How Do We Ship Hornworms?
We ship hornworms from our Pennsylvania facility via UPS 2-day delivery. They come in deli cups with food and bedding.
Hornworm Sizes – Important
All hornworms ship at the same size, about ½"–1" long. They have enough food to grow to medium or large sizes.
Which Size Hornworm Should I Buy?
Hornworms grow quickly, so choose a size your pet can handle. Feeder insects should be no larger than the space between your pet’s eyes for safe consumption.
How Should I Store My Hornworms?
At room temperature, hornworms will keep growing and eventually pupate into sphinx moths. To slow growth, store them at 55°F. Above 80°F, they pupate in 1–2 weeks.
How Many Hornworms Should I Feed My Reptile?
Hornworms are rich in protein and fat but lack a well-studied calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Dust them with calcium powder before feeding. Due to slow reproduction, they cost more than roaches or crickets and are best as a supplemental feeder. Their bright blue color can stimulate appetite in picky eaters.
Which Reptiles Eat Hornworms?
Bearded dragons and leopard geckos are the most common predators.
Nutritional Profile
Hornworms are 58% protein and 20% fat. Since they are low in fat, consider supplementing with insects like superworms.
Hornworms vs. Dubia Roaches
For a full comparison of their nutrition, check out this guide. Hornworms have good nutrients but are better as a supplement than a staple feeder.