Florida’s favorite legal roach is available in five lizard-pleasing sizes.
Roaches are more difficult to size-separate than our other species, so please understand that size variance is both normal and expected. As with all of our bugs, we overpack by an average of 10% to make up for any anomalies you may encounter.
All size ranges are an average. There will always be a few in each order that will be smaller or larger than average.
Size chart:
XS: 1/4 - 1/2"
SM: 1/2 - 3/4"
MED: 3/4 - 1"
LG: 1 - 1.5"
XL: 1.5 - 2" (Winged adult males)
ADULT UNSORTED: 1.5 - 2" Winged adults, mixed sex. We cannot guarantee how many males/females you will receive in a batch. These are unsorted adults, less than six months in age.